Tuesday 5 March 2013

"We're going to Tassie, we're going to Tassie" was the general feel of the six of us as we drove from Ballarat to Port Melbourne.  The drive was even more interesting, thanks to Sammi and her made up 'facts' of Melbourne..  We found a great spot on the Esplanade to park for the night, and filled in the afternoon playing footy on the beach.  We all had an early night in anticipation of our early start the following morning.  Our buzz was slightly dulled by having to say goodbye to one of our treasured crew, Herby! Now Herby was our herb garden, that was made for us by our great mate Scott.  Unfortunatley, they don't allow any plants or dirt of any kind through quarantine, so we stashed Herby in a garden in Melbourne.  It was a sad moment!!  Our excitement returned however as we boarded the Spirit of Tasmania and raced to find comfy seats for the six of us for our 9 and a half hour journey.  It was a little past 10am when the seas started to pick up enough for me to decide to head to the bar for a rum. Who wouldn't?  To my major embarrassment, I ask the lady at the bar for a rum and she looks at me and says, eyebrows raised mind you " The bar doesn't open until 11am".  I walk back empty handed and told Troy, alot of laughing followed.....  I waited until 11:10am before I ventured back (only not to seem so desparate) and the same lady said, "I've been watching you, if you had of said you had four children I would have given you a rum straight away",,, a little too late love!!!!  Within saying that, we had numerous couples approach us and tell us how well behaved our children where, and that the four of them would run rings around their grandchildren.  Proud... a MAJOR understatement.  We pull into Devonport and by the time we go through quarantine, its around 7pm.  As tired as we all are, nothing could dampen our excitement about actually being in Tassie, and also the beautiful scenery we were faced with.  It was a feeling none of us will forget in a hurry.
                                                   Where we parked the night before boarding
                                            Passing the other Spirit in Bass Strait

We had booked into the Big 4 at Ulverstone before we left for our trip.  It turned out to be a great base to discover the north-west.  We were only metres from the beach and enjoyed walks after dinner every night.  A day trip to do some sight seeing and stock the supplies were in order.  We found ourselves walking out to Goat Island on low tide, then on top of Table Cape, where the Tulip Farms are and the LightHouse and the Volcano crater, which was incredible to see farm land on one side, and the most amazing rugged coastline on the other.  Boat Harbour Beach was a favourite, where we had fresh creamy scallops and salmon burgers for lunch.  Stanley, how awesome is Stanley.  We done the chair lift to the top of The Nut where we packed a picnic lunch and walked around the entire Nut.  The kids did great.  We also went to visit a long lost friend of my Dad's, Ray Bean, who was so happy that I called every Bean in Tassie just to find him.  After our lovely visit in Longford, we stopped at Latrobe, and toured the Cherry Shed and The Chocolate Factory.  The lady at the Cherry Shed asked why the kids weren't as school, and when we told her we were travelling around Australia, she started crying. Troy and I didn't know where to look, but she said please tell me everything, so we did...
                                                  Swimming at Ulverstone

                                                  Table Cape

                                                      Chair lift up to the Nut
                                               Beautiful Stanley, view from the Nut

                                                         BIG cherries at the cherry shed

It was time to leave Ulverstone and head South.  We went past the Great Lakes, which was amazing to see, but there where no camps that took our fancy, so we kept going until Kempton.  I loved Kempton, where we met a lovely couple, Greg and Chris and went to the pub with them to have dinner.
                                                   The Great Lakes
                                                    Kempton camp

We leave Kempton and set our sights on Dunalley.  It did not register at the time, nor even until we were actually driving through it, that we realized it was the town that was almost totally destroyed by the bush fires.  The six of us were in tears at the devastion before us, families living in dome tents on their burnt down blocks, their livelyhoods in ashes.  It was a very sombering moment for us all.  We felt we had to do something, even living out of a caravan was luxury, and ours was by choose, not nesseccity.  We stopped at the Recovery Centre and offered help, we were given an address, overalls and gloves.  It was a very little thing in the big scheme of things, however it was very appreciated and it made us feel that we helped, even in a very small way, a great learning experience for the kids, to give and not recieve.  To lighten the mood, we went touring afterwards and seen some amazing sights that Tasssie had to offer.  The Tasman Blowhole, Devils Kitchen, Tasman Arch and the Tesselated Pavement.   All were spectacular in their own right, and we felt like tourist again!!! 
                                              Sunset over burnt Dunalley
                                                           Devils Kitchen
                                                  Tasman Arch
                                              Tesselated Pavement

Port Arthur.... wow, what a history lesson that was for us all.  We done the tour around the grounds, boat ride out to The Isle of the Dead and the Boys Prison, which boys as young as 9 were imprisoned, which scared the life out of poor old Kaicey!!!  We also payed our respects for the fallen victims of the Mascare that took place there. 
                                                  Port Arthur
                                                             Troy being a Priest!!!

We set our sights for a camp that was close enough to the Hobart Airport, because Nanny and Poppy were flying in the next day.  Triabunna is where we chose, it was fantastic.  On low tide, we scrolled the rocks and got a great feed of fresh oysters for afternoon tea, yummbo!!!  The following morning we head to Hobart and do a spot of shopping, (this time winter clothes) while we waited for the flight.  At the Airport, it was a scene out of the movies.  Us, waiting in the departure lounge for the arrivals, derrrr, and the whole lounge was watching the kids when their plane landed, yelling at us, 'your in the wrong area' so we run through the airport, making it just in time to see Nanny and Poppy turning the corner.  Well, Mum just drops her bags, Sammi and Kaicey start bawling, Elley and Max are screaming their names and even Pops had tears in his eyes, (so did I) and Troys just laughing.  Everyone was looking, I wasn't game to tell them all that it had only been 10 weeks since we had seen them!!!!  With Nan and Pops in tow with their campervan, we take them to the free camp at Triabunna, where Kaicey, Elley, Sammi and Max put on a show for Nanny and Poppy.  The funny thing was, they charged them $5 to see it...hehehe....

                                              Waiting for Nanny and Poppy to land
The next day we head north to Coles Bay.  Another free camp on the waters edge.  We score a great spot, thanks to my gorgeous husband, who took a stand against a huge fool...   The boys went fishing  in the blow up boat that Nanny and Grandad bought the kids for christmas years ago (thanks nanny and grandad, still works a treat and a great use on our trip already) and actually came back with fish.  Eight flathead in fact, only the grin on Troy's face was way too suspicious, and well, he just cant lie!! Not to me anyway.  Old mate camped opposite us, went out in his boat and caught a heap and actually gave the fish to Troy and Dad, while the blow up boat was tied to dad's leg standing on the rocks next to a beacon in the middle of the bay!!! bahhahaha.  The night only got better as we had an awesome fire which seemed to attract the attention of 16 backpackers, whom their was not two of the same nationality around our fire.  Poppy and I proved that Aussies have what it takes, as we were the only ones left at 2am...  No sore heads for us though, we left the next morning.
                                                   Coles Bay
                                                       The backpackers

A quick stop at Bicheno to fill the water and dump the loo, we spot the Blowhole.  It was really cool, and we spot the cuttest little penguin in between the rocks.  And to think we stayed up to 10:30pm at Lilico Beach to see them come in from the beach, here is one, in the middle of the day, in plain sight...
                                             The Penguin and The Blowhole at Bicheno

We are now heading up the East Coast, and stay at Lagoons Beach.  I particually loved Lagoons Beach.  We stayed one night and then headed with mum and dad to see my daddy's mate, Ray Bean, who had organised a country music doo, with one of my dads favourite singers.   It was a great day, and I feel so special to have experienced this with my mum and dad, and to have Troy and the kids there, was extra special, life long memories were made that day!  Ray and Beryl welcomed us into their home and we are very grateful.  It was a lovely couple of days looking at music videos and hearing stories and songs that I have grown up with.  Everything comes to an end however and we head back to Lagoons Beach for a few days.  Playing cricket on the beach and sitting around the fire with Nanny and Popppy was just what was needed.  It did rain, so we loaded in the cruiser and went sight seeing.  We found a brewery, which was very entertaining watching Dad try all these different beers.  The facial expressions were priceless.  Back to camp we headed and lit the fire mainly for the warmth.  Did I mention it's bloody cold in Tassie...  The morning we left it was really lovely actually, we drive off and here are six couples (that's 12 people...just kidding) all in a line, waving goodbye to us, we've got 'On the Road Again' playing and smiles a mile wide...
                                                       Lagoons Beach
                                                   Fun at Lagoons Beach
                                                Deep in conversation

                                            With Ray and Cyrill at the country music show
                                                     Lagoons Beach
                                                            Beer Tasting

Cozy Corner North is the go, for anyone visiting Tassie, it's a must.  We LOVED it.  After setting up right next to the drop down toilets and smelling the god awful smell, (even worse than the caravan park troy took us to) we decided to pack up and shift spots.  Best decision ever....  We were there one night when our awesome new friends (who it feels like we have known forever) Nat, Shann, Levi and Chilli pulled in.   Mum and Dad loved them immediately, just like we did and it felt like a big family camp.  Th.e kids begged us to have a night away so they could stay with nanny and poppy.  Apparantley they are a little over us as it would seem.  We took the opportunity and ran with it.  Cheese factory, Pub in the Paddock where you got to feed Pricilla the Pig a beer and the St Helen's Inn, where pool and the Juke Box were the entertainment.  We had a great time, but missed the kids, how sad are we????  Back into life as it should be, we play criket and footy on the beach and go for walks exploring the rock pools where we find crabs, starfish and little mussels.  It was time to head on however and we said goodbye to our mates, waving gooobye and yelling " I miss you already".
                                                   cozy corner

                                             Cozy corner fun

                                                          Pricilla having a beer

It was time for Mum and Dad to head home soon, so we head toward Launceston and stop at Derby.  A lovely free camp, lovelier if it hadn't of rained or the geese didn't honk all night, but it was our last night with the olds so it will always be special.  We said our goodbyes, sad as it was, but we still had a week to tour Tassie so we tried to push on. Tomahawk Point was a great place to stop for the night and get the washing done.
                                               Our last night with Nanny and Poppy at Derby

We pull into Waterhouse Point to check out all the camps.  Who do we see?  Our mates!!! Excited much.  Being so over the black sand, and having just done the washing, we camp on Village Green, just so happened to be where our mates were moving to as well. We set up and head to the beach.  We done alot of skippimg, yep, old school skipping, with two people holding a rope.  I happen to be exceptionally good at skipping, and showed the kids a few tricks from olde, but Levi had my measure!!!  It was really wonderful, spearfishing at midnight, boogie board rides, drinks with friends and the most amazing sunset and rainbow any of us had ever seen.  Saying goodbye was like saying goodbye to family, forever friends we have made. xoxoxo
                                              The sunset was spectacular

We pack up and head to try and see and old friend at George Town.  She's not home, bugga... so we head to the pub for lunch.   After lunch we go to Low Head and see the Lighouse, and with the free camp being a bit ordinary, we decide to move on.  I must say, Troy is the MAIN driver of our travels.  He does exceptionally, and I feel really safe with him at the wheel ( except when he looks at wood heaps and drive us into a ditch) no really, he is awesome and what a massive job he has, all our lives in his hands and I actually told him the other day that he was a better driver with the van than me!!!!  I trust this man impecibly..,...
                                               Low Head

We are at Greens Beach, where the ducks are a plenty (it's ok peachy) and the old mate next to us gave us a  feed of fresh oysters.  I have to confess, everywhere we go, people are drawn to us, I think it's the travelling with four kids that people are drawn to, in awe of, ecspecially how well behaved they are, (so everyone keeps telling us) so we decided to move on every four or so days just before the the kids turn totally feral..... Only Kidding....
                                                          Ducks at our door

Beaconsfield, here we come.  What a pretty place.  Didn't expect a mining town to be so pretty!  We toured the mmine muesum and even sent an old fashioned telegrahm to a lucky person back home.  It was very intersesting to see how the rescue panned out of the trapped miners, Todd Russel and Brant Webb.  Miraculaous!!!
                                                          Beaconsfield Mine

With only a couple of days left in Tasmania, we head back to Devonport and prepare for the long journey back to the mainland.  We book into the Big 4, and get our washing sorted and do a big cook up for the boat.  With everything sorted, we decide to spend our last day in Tassie exploring.  Sheffield was so cool with all the Murals and we even got to pat the Alpaca in the middle of the main street.  
                                                The Murals were amazing

                                   The Alpaca, I so want one

We then headed to Tazmazia, the worlds largest maze complex. So large in fact, it's so not the place to be stuck in when you feel the pangs of diareahea.  Me being the supporive wife, could do nothing but bend over in sympathy, only I was laughing in pain, while my poor husbsand, was bent over in pain.  Luckily, i'm also very good at mazes, and found the exit for my man in need.  Once the ordeal was over, we thoroughly enjoyed the maze expeience. Hahahaha, still chuckling now.....

                                                    The maze we had to scramble our way out of for Troy...heheh

Our time in Tassie has come to an end.  We didn't get to see everything, but hey, who ever does....  We have had an amazing time, and thank Mum and Dad so much, for the effort they made to come and spend time with us (mainly the grandkids) and look forward to when we meet up with Nanny and Grandad in the North, and My Very Special Brother In The WEST, and my TWO beautiful SISSY'S somewhere, and Linda and Paul in The Northern Terrirtory and Danielle and Mick in North Queensland and whoever else wants to join us, we'd love it.  So looking forward to catching up with our mates\family, Nat, Shann, Levi and Chilli.

Love ya's all
The Travelling Bryants

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