Wednesday 27 March 2013

Destination: South Australia.  The excitement was building about crossing another border and seeing the sights that South Oz had to offer.  We roll into Mt Gambier and stumbled onto The Sink Hole, which is a collapsed cave, that had been turned into a beautiful garden.  We took the short stroll down to the bottom and felt like we were in a fairytale.  We then went and ogled The Blue Lake.  I have never seen anything like it, you could have spent hours staring at the majestic lake which was made that way by the effects of a volcano and limestone.  A little further down the road we gear up for the climb up Mt Schank.  A massive volcano crater.  Lying on the edge looking down was something I think we will all remember.

                                                      The Sink Hole
                                                           The Blue Lake

                                                        Top of Mt Schank

  It was a huge day sightseeing and exploring, so we pull into the little coastal town of Beachport.  We took a walk along the historic jetty, which freaked Max and Kaicey out, because there were big gaps between the timber boards, and I must admit, it just didn't feel right when you looked down.  Elley was no help at all, jumping on all the loose boards freaking them all out!!!  The weather was pretty ordinary the next day so we jumped in the car to go exploring.   The Pool of Siloam was our first stop along the Bowman Scenic Drive, an underground spring eight times saltier than the sea, which has fantastic buoyancy.  With alot of things in between (Salmon Hole, Blowhole) the highlight of the day was 4WD-ing in the Canunda National Park.  Screaming and laughing took hold of all of us and the giggles and smiles hung around for a very long time afterwards.
                                                    Beachport Jetty
                                                                4WD-ing fun

 Robe was our next stop-off, where we seen the Obelisk  on Cape Dombey, which was used to navigate the entrance to Guichen Bay and also store rocket lifesaving equipment.  The Big Lobster at Kingston S.E was where Elley, Max and I shared a lobster for lunch, while Troy, Kaicey and Sammi had pies.  Great times.  We then drive along the Coorong National Park, which is pretty scarce, which is where Storm Boy was filmed.  It was very different scenery than what we have been accustomed to, and a little on the nose, so Troy put the pedal to the metal and I put the co-ordinates into Sarah, which led us to a lovely free camp at Langhorne Creek.  It was a big day driving and alot of Km's where put on the clock, so it was an early night for all.

                                                     The Big Lobster at Kingston S.E

                                                              Langhorne Creek camp

Victor Harbor was a lovely little place where we learnt alot from Kev at the Information Centre.   After looking around town, we decide to high tale it through Adelaide.  When we first set off on our journey, we decided a drive through the Capital Cities would suffice, as they were easily accessible for future trips.  Within saying that, we have drove through every one so far, just to say we have been there.  Alot of old beautiful Churches!!!

                                                       Victor Harbor

Port Parham is a free camp just off Dublin, which is around 100k north of Adelaide.  After setting up, and schooling was done, we were enjoying the heat with a nice cold beer.  Our neighbours had been down crabbing and had caught four blue swimmer crabs, with a crab rake, in low tide.  The next thing you know, they bring over two freshly, caught and cooked crabs.  Elley and I were the only ones that ate them, so we greedily gobbled them up.  Later that day, Elley says to me, ' I'll never forget that, eating crab with my Mum'.  Me too Ells, me too!!!  I was hooked, so Elley and I went to town and found ourselves a crab rake.  Troy and Kaicey wanted to go hunting, so the Twinnies, Elley and I, played in the sand while they were at it.  I'll never forget the look on Kaicey's face as she came back in, holding the bucket.  Pure joy, and daddy's face was the same.  They had an absolute ball, Kaicey even got clawed on the feet by two crabs, and had marks to prove it.  Memories were also made that day, and not just for Troy and Kaicey.  I had to get in on the action, so the next day, Troy and I head out.  Only, I'm not as brave as Kaicey, so I wear shoes.  We had a wonderful time together, while the kids played on the beach.  Six big ones in our bucket and we called it a day.  Walking back in, Troy says, ' My dad would love this'.  Yes, yes he would...  We had planned to move on the next day, but our friend the wind had other things in mind.  It was just too windy, and dangerous to drive, so our lovely neighbours gave us some dvd's to watch on the Peninsula's.  We make a big decision after that, and that was to skip the Yorke Peninsula and concentrate on the Eyre Peninsula.

                                                 Kaicey's crabbing scars

With a big drive in tow, and stopping at all the "big" things and places, we pull into Point Lowly,  just East of Whyalla.  It was there that we made the decision to go Swim with the Sea Lions.  Our route was then made for us, we had two days to get to Port Lincoln to swim with the puppies of the sea.

                                                   HMAS Whyalla
                                                        Point Lowly

Point Gibbon served it's purpose, it was a warm day and the kids went for a swim and I went for a walk along the beach.  We then went to the Point, and the kids sandboarded down the dunes with their boogie boards.  Loads of fun!!!

                                                     Point Gibbon
                                              Sandboarding and swimming

So we were as close as we could be to our adventure the next day, we stay at McKechnie Springs Farmstay.  Thanks to a great Skype experience (thanks Paul and Linda) which we are still laughing about, we wake a little shady in the morning.  With witnessing our first sunrise since we left, we head to our charter boat, Adventure Bay Charters, in anticipation of swimming with sea lions.  We arrive to find out that our family is the only ones on board.  Yayyy, we get the personal experience.  An hour and a half on the water and we are in wetsuits, flippers and snorkeling masks, ready to jump in the water.  To be honest, it was a little freaky at first, (I'm so afraid of sharks, and here we are, swimming with their favourite meal) but once in, and you have a sea lion's whiskers only inches from your face, fear is replaced with amazement and wonder.  Troy was amazing, somersaulting and they would imitate his every move.  Kaicey was so awesome, duck diving into the water to see the seals beneath her and make them imitate her.  Elley lost her snorkel, only to find it on the nose of one of the twenty Sea Lions we were swimming with.  Max and Sammi got over their fears and ventured in with Daddy close by.  By far, it was the most amazing thing we have done to date.  Talk about making memories xxxx

                                             Pictures will never do this day justice, but boy, are memories sure will

We needed fuel, water and a dump point, so we head into Elliston, where we stumbled onto the Anxious Bay Clifftop Drive.  It was a lovely drive, and there were some really cool and fun sculptures on the way.

                                              Anxious Bay Clifftop Drive

We checked out Streaky Bay, and are currently in Ceduna. South Australia has been very different, but we have enjoyed it immensely.  To think we are only 248k away from the Nullarbor is extremely exciting.  We would like to wish all our family and friends a happy Easter, and wish Jack and Cooper a happy birthday, Aunty Robyn will try her hardest to ring you if we are in range.  Uncle Troy will ring you Ava, for your birthday if we are in range.

This photo was taken at Port Parham and it is by far my most favourite photo.  This will be on a canvas on our wall wherever we choose to call home.  My cup runneth over xxx

                                                      LOVE, LOVE, LOVE
                                                           17 weeks on the road

Until next time
Love ya's all
The Travelling Bryants xxx

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