Sunday 20 January 2013

Well, we have catching up to do, so lets get stuck into it!!!!  We left Eden with really no idea where we were going, and end up squeezing in to a National Park at Thurra River.  It was a really nice spot, the beach was lovely, but absolutley freezing,  lucky the River itself was perfect to go for a little paddle.  As nice as it was, we wanted some more space to celebrate Troy's birthday and headed to the country for peace and quiet.
                                             Us on the beach at Thurra River

 We hit the jackpot with Little Ada River, a free camp north west of Orbost.  Beautiful, peaceful, fire pits, green and a lovely running river.  Being Troys Birthday, the girls and I made a cake, cooked damper in the camp oven and prepared the roast and vegies for the camp oven dinner why Troy and Max went fishing.  So our style, we all loved it.  The fresh air, the bell birds and only 4 cars went past the whole two days we were there.  Troy and I went for a run in the cool brisk mornings, (so can't believe it is the middle of summer here) then relaxed by the fire and played with the kids.  The kids made what they liked to call "bush art" and found it very easy to entertain themselves. It was time to move on however, and after to talking to one of the four cars that dropped in, they told us about this amazing place that we just had to see.
                                                Our Camp at Little Ada River
                                                           Dinner in the camp oven
                                                  The Kids "Bush Art"

                                                   Happy Birthday Daddy

We were excited to have some local knowledge behind us, where we were told we could sit on our camping chairs and fish right from our caravan. Yeah, I bet they are still laughing.  The place was a joke, so we keep on going in search of somewhere to stay the night.  Heading up to the fourth camping ground in the area, Troy says we are staying here no matter what its like.  Maybe we have been a bit spoiled from the amazing places we have seen, because the kids thought it was ok, and after a beer or two it looked ok to us too!!  Needless to say, we were off pretty early in the morning in search of somewhere to pull up for a few days and just fish....

After having my nose in the Camps 6 book and checking sites on Wiki camps, I head us toward Marlay Point.  Directly on Lake Wellington, we set the van up only meters from the waters edge.  We really enjoyed this place, even more so when the wind wasn't blowing us away.  Max was so excited they weren't drop down toilets.  We all fished, and we all caught fish (carp actually).  The kids swam and read and played in the sand a few days, then we all had our winter clothes on and watched a movie and had hotdogs for lunch just to keep out of the cold,  (so can't get used to this weather, even on hot days, the water is still so cold).   After four days of catching Carp, Troy says," Lets go check out somewhere else and try and catch some fish we can eat, i've found a place."
                                                Our camp at Marlay Point
Marlay Point

Well, he was right.  Troy caught some Bream!!!!  Maybe that's all I should say about this place.  Oh, and the fact we had to close all windows in the van just so we didn't have to smell that god awful smell!!!!!!!!!lol...  All apart of the adventure. ;-)

We were off to Rosedale, to pick up the mail  (THANK YOU SOOO MUCH DANIELLE), and also to catch up on some washing.  Just so happened to be a Pub right opposite, the thought of a few cold ones while the washing was on was too good to pass up, so across the road we went.  Air con, (it was a bit hot that day) hot chips and gravy and lemonade for the kids and everyone was happy.  Best washing day EVER!!   There was an awesome free camp just a few hundred meters down the road, where the kids had a ball playing in the weeping willow.  After dinner and showers, we went for a walk to the bridge to look at the running creek.  Troy lifts Max up to have a look and what do ya know, his thong falls off, over the bridge and into the water.  He was so upset to see the thong that Nanny and Poppy bought him for his birthday get swept down the creek.  To cut a long story short, Troy and I end up knee deep in mud, just to get his thong which broke the very next day!!!!
                                                 The weeping willow the kids played in all afternoon

The next day we stocked up on supplies and headed to a free camp at Reeves Beach.  I have to tell  you this, back in Eden, we met this family who are travelling around Australia also.  We swapped numbers and have been keeping intouch telling each other about the camps that are good and so on.  After being at Reeves Beach only an hour, who pulls in, but Nat, Shann and the two Kids, Levi and Chilli, who are the same age as Kaicey and Elley.  They were just checking out a spot for their next camp.  I was just doing up a platter for afternoon tea and invited them to stay and have a beer.  We liked them immediately and after the first beer we knew that they were just like us.  We had a great night with them, they are genuine and just plain lovely.  The kids are awesome as well, which says alot to us. The kids were doing  cartwheels and Kaicey fell over, which resulted in another trip to hospital.  The x-rays cleared a broken collar-bone, but she is still in a bit of pain so maybe just badly bruised??

After two days we set off to Stony Creek Rodeo, where we planned to meet Nat, Shann and the Kids.  We had a blast.  The kids had a ball on the jumping castle, petting zoo, face painting and the mechanical bull.  Max was a natural on the bull, maybe it was sheer terror that kept him on, because he ended in tears.   It was so cold.  We all had every piece of winter clothing on that we had packed, beanies, gloves, jeans and jackets and were still cold.  Is it summer or what???
                                                       The kids at the Rodeo

The next day we went to Wilsons Promotory.  Lucky for us, they have reserved sites for interstate travellers only.  We were told that it is booked for years in advance and even then, your name is picked out of a hat, so to speak, wheather you get in or not.  Another of Mother Natures beauty at work.  Spectacular. 
                                            Tidal River at Wilsons Prom

We leave Wilsons Prom and are currently at Dandegong.  A place we would not have come, only that the Van is booked in for a new Awning.  Still figuring out where we are off to next, wherever the bushfires aren't.  Having the time of our lives.  The kids have always been close, but watching their bond grow by the day is so special to witness.  We have learnt so much more about them, just by being together more.  They are awesome little people and we made them.  We are so proud of them, just as we always have been.  We set off from Reeves Beach the other day, and after our traditonal "kiss for luck" (something that Troy and I have always done on big trips, have adpoted it to be an every driving day traditon) Willie Nelsons "On the Road Again" is blaring on the radio, and i'm close to tears.  Tears of pure joy and happiness and love, love for everything important to me, which is in that car.  We were born to do this!!!!!!

Until next time
Love ya's all
The Travelling Bryants  xoxox

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