Friday 11 January 2013

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!! What a great start to the new year we had.  After leaving our Christmas Bush Camp we set our sights on the beaches, but not everything goes as planned, and after a full day of catching up with the washing and re-stocking our supplies, we settle for a free camp beside the highway at Batemans Bay.

We wake in the morning with much anticipation of seeing the country's capital city.  Canberra, here we come.  What a lovely surprise Canberra was.  For such a big city, we found it very easy to get around.  We booked into a low key Caravan Park close to the city centre so we could explore this wonderful city.  We done a tour of Parliament House, which was really interesting and pretty cool for the kids to see the Chambers that are shown on the news.  We got to catch up with my Aunty Lyn, and my cousin Andrew, and Karen and their beautiful girls.  How lovely it was to see some familiar faces and have hugs and kisses.  We then tour the War Memorial, which you could have spent all day and still not see everything.  Something Troy and I have always wanted to do, and we weren't disappointed.  Max was enthralled with the helicopters and aeroplanes, Elley loved the scenes of battle that were displayed, Sammi just followed and Kaicey was extremely emotional that so many people had died.  The next day we spent the whole day at QuestAcon, which for those who don't know, is a massive science centre.  Wow, so much fun for all of us.  We sat in on a show, "Balloontastic" where Kaicey was chosen out of the crowd to go on stage and help with a demonstration.  She was so chuffed.  Troy, Kaicey and Elley did a 6 metre free fall on one of the exhibits which was really cool.  We had a great day learning loads.  We left Canberra very pleased with our time there, the history is amazing and we felt very proud being Australian.

                                              Catching up with Family, Chloe and Kirra and our four
                                               Troy and the Kids outside Parliament House
                                                 From Parliament House looking to War Memorial

                                                     Me and the Kids at the War Memorial
Kaicey on stage at the Balloontastic Show at QuestAcon 

We felt it was time to head back to the coast, back to the beaches and warm weather (Canberra mornings were chilly cold) to find somewhere to bring the New Year in.  We found a great beach just north of Tathra, in a National Park.   We squeeze the van in and crack open a beer.  We meet the neighbours, Amber and Bee, who had two girls, and Kate and Tim, who had a boy and a girl.  We crashed their fire and stayed the whole night with these lovely people.  We will be seeing them again in our travels as we exchanged numbers.
New years day was spent chilling at the great beaches.
                                                Our camp at Tathra
                                                  Amber, Bee, Kate and Tim, who we spent New Years with

Packing up the van, (which by the way we are pro at now) we travel down the coast looking for another great spot to set up.  With this time of year everything is nearly booked out and free camps and National Parks are the same, we hit the jackpot with the Eden Tourist Park.  Love this place.  Directly opposite the beach, where when the winds not up, the swimming is fabulous.  Thats if your not a sook like me, (the water is bloody cold).  We book in for a cruise on Cat-Balou, which tours Two-Fold Bay.  It was a magical day, we learnt alot of history on the area and saw 2 seals, a penguin, a stingray and alot of Dolphins that swam and jumped right in front of the boat.  It felt like you could reach out and touch them they were so close.  The next day as a special treat, I book Troy and Max a scenic flight.  Max wants to be a Pilot so this was so cool for Daddy and Son to experience together.  He got to sit up next to the Pilot and you couldn't shift that smile on his face all day.  We have really loved Eden, I have been going for a run everyday, and Troy went for a run this morning as well.  We played tennis, been to lookouts, lakes and beaches.  We have met some wonderful people, Sam and Scott, who we will catch up with again and Rod and Karen.
                                              The Beach oppostie the Van Park
                                                  The cruise we went on
                                                     The Dolphins playing in front of the boat

                                               A lovely day on the water
                                                           Troy and Max getting into their Scenic Flight

We are off again in the morning, where we do not know yet, but that's the best part.  We wish all our family and friends a Happy New Year and hope that 2013 will be your year to shine.  Me, I hope for nothing more than what I already have, which is a beautiful Husband, whom I love with everything that I am, four amazing children that I would move mountains for, a wonderful family which mean the world to me and the BESTEST friends anyone could ever ask for.
Love ya's all
The Travelling Bryants

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