Monday 15 July 2013

Hello to all you wonderful people who keep up to date with our travels, it means so much to us.

We were so excited to be arriving in Darwin, and with a stop over in Adelaide River, we arrive with high hopes.  Hopes of finding a place to stay awhile and find some work to top up our funds.   Howard Springs Big 4 is where we landed and by that same afternoon, both Troy and I had found work.  Me, in the caravan park cleaning the cabins and Troy, fitting glass in the new 1000 bed prison.

We set up camp for a long stay, promising ourselves that we will still see everything Darwin and the surrounds has to offer and also, that we are dead set on finishing this trip in style, and a little sacrifice now will pay off ten fold.

How lovely is Darwin!!  Escpecially the time of year we are here, the weather has really been amazing.  The city itself is great, and so easy to get around (even when you drive on the wrong side of the road, hey babe!!!!!)  Aquascene was our first port of call, where at high tide every single day, they have fish feeding.  You stand knee deep in the water and the fish, Mullet, Milk Fish and Bat Fish literally eat bread out of your hands.  It was pretty cool, having all these fish swim around our legs while they were fighting for the bread.  Feeding the Bat Fish were all of our favourites to feed.  I took a call from our great mate Kate, and the next thing you know, Troy is getting the Staff to try and hook Max's thong from the massive Barra tank!!! That boy and thongs.....
Next on the list was the Muesum, and our highlight was learning all about Cyclone Tracy.  There was a display where you stand in a small room in the dark and they play actual recordings of the Cyclone.  How scary it must have been to have lived it.

                                                      Kaicey feeding the Bat Fish
                                                             Fish feeding was so fun

We were told that an absolute must whilst in Darwin was to go to the wharf for fish and chips.  Who are we to argue.  The wharf is huge, and it was really cool seeing all the custom boats close by.  We strolled the wharf and had our fish and chips.  Another perfect day, and just to top it off, we stroll the Palmerston Markets and have a yummy dinner on the lawn.

                                      Learning is always on the agenda everywhere we go

                                                 My beautiful family on the Wharf
                                                     Palmerston Market fun

Work has been busy for us both and the kids are doing an awesome job, so we are trying to do as much as we can on our days off.  Sunday was our family day, so picnic packed and off to Litchfield National Park we go.  The Magnetic Termite Mounds were impressive, but our favourite for the day was Buley's Waterhole.   We swam under waterfalls, and hiked the walking tracks.  A picnic is always on the cards, and a great way to reflect on what we have seen.

                                            Termite mounds, Litchfield NP


                                                      Buley's Waterhole, Litchfield NP


                                                            Florence Falls, Litchfield NP

                                                     Wangi Falls, Litchfield NP

                                                  Our special family at Wangi Falls
                                                          Walking to the Cascades

Humpty Doo Hotel was next on our list of must do's.  Plus, we have had many orders of Humpty Doo Hotel stubby coolers, so it was a given.  The pub itself wasn't what we expected, but we had a Trio of mini burgers.  One Crocodile, one Buffalo and one Barra.  They were sensational, and everyone tried each one, (except Kaicey, who just couldn't bring herself to try the croc).  Stubby coolers and Shirt in tow, we set off for our next adventure.  Mindil Markets.  They are sunset markets on Mindil Beach.  There is so many entertainers, and we were lucky enough to see the fire thrower and learn to hoola hoop ( what a laugh that was).  With so many different cultures and cuisines, choosing what to have for a sunset dinner on the beach was near impossible.  Not a bad dilemma to be faced   It was a wonderful experience to share together.

                                                               Humpty Doo
                                                      Hoola Hoop fun
                                                     Dinner watching the Sunset = Magic

                                                               The Fire dude

We have been lucky enough to find a local pub, in walking distance (bonus), that does Kids Eat Free, Tuesday and Saturday nights, (double bonus).  While the both of us are working 6 days a week, this is something we are taking full advantage of.
We have met some lovely people on the road, and a lot of them have coincidentally pulled into the Big 4 at Howard Springs.  It was no coincidence however, that Nat, Levi and Chilli rolled in, and when they did, the whole park knew about it.  It was probably from Nat and I acting like school girls, her jumping out of the Dodge, me jumping out of the mini van (special bus) that I drive around the park while I'm working, and hugging and laughing at each other.  They are very special people and having them here made it so much easier.  We went to the free water park together, that's after our little adventure with my car battery and Nat nearly getting blown up!!!!! That's a whole other story.  Through Nat, we met Joe and Kaye, who the kids loved and pretended they were substitute grandparents.  Saying goodbye was dreadful, which ended in the Kids and I having a good howl in the privacy of our van.
                                                        Our Local
                                                      Aunty Nat and Sammi Sams
                                                    Sleepover time with Levi and Chilli
                                                           Friends for LIFE
                                                              Hugs and kisses for Kaye
                                                     Lenyar water park fun

Northern Territory Day was approaching, which is MASSIVE here.  It's the only day of the year that you can buy and let off fireworks LEGALLY!!!  We were invited down to the local fire shed to share in the fun.  Lets just say that I'm so glad we were with volunteer fire fighters.  Wholey Moley, it was madness.  Everyone letting off firecrackers, left right and centre....literally!!!!  Two fires were lit, because crackers fell over and shot into the bush.  Some shot straight for the crowd, and poor Elley got a little burn from one.  Troy was in his element, laughing at the madness of it all, while I was a bit scared to be honest.  It went on until sunrise, the thundering bangs in the sky.  It was great to be able to appreciate and have this experience.  We bought and lit our own fireworks too!

After a big week at work, we just wanted to relax.  We couldn't think of a better spot than Berry Springs Nature Park, situated only 50km south of the caravan park.  It was really pretty.  The springs are actually hot, and there are three different entries to the most warmest, clearest and blueish water we have seen.  The kids had a ball jumping in, and we had a lovely lunch on the grass on our towels.  The kids played chefs, making speciality dishes out of leaves and berries while Troy and I had a nap on the grass (bad parenting I know, but we were nowhere near water or other people).  On the way home, we called into the Aircraft Museum and was enthralled with the size of the B52 Bomber, which is one of two that is on display outside of the United States.  Max was in his element, my little pilot to be!!!
                                                        Kangaroo Falls Berry Springs

                                                          Upper Pool, Berry Springs
                                                              Troy's sexy legs
                                                       Lower Pool, Berry Springs

                                                 Max with the Army Helicopter
                                                          B52 Bomber

The city itself is a lovely place to visit, with so much to do.  We headed on in to check out the Wave Pool and the World War II Oil Tunnels.

                                                       A beautiful day in the city
                                                 Troy and the kids played on the lift (pick the kid)

                                                       WWII OIL TUNNEL
                                                             Hahahaha, had to add this one, no wonder
                                                         I laugh so much

Well, that's it.  We are up to date.  I'll admit, it's been a very big adjustment for us all being here in Darwin.  Up until now, the longest we have stayed anywhere had been 6 days, and that has been free camping with loads of personal space.  We are enjoying our time here, but are counting down the days until we hitch up and play "On the Road Again", oh what a special moment that will be.  By staying here and working, we have insured that the rest of our journey will be SPECTACULAR, and we wont have to rush into finding our "new home".  Thankyou to everyone for following us, the next one wont be too long between drinks.

A few special mentions if we may, Barry, we love you and think of you constantly.  Catherine, your an inspiration and in our thoughts everyday.  Livvy, had to mention you because I dreamt about you visiting me, love you and hope its just not a dream.

Love ya's all
Until next time
The (stationary) Travelling Bryants xoxox

1 comment:

  1. Looking at your pics makes me look forward to getting back to the NT - we lived in Darwin for 4 months and I would go back there any day! The cyclone room is scary at the museum - did the big croc make you a little nervous around the water?
    Looking forward to seeing more about your travels.
