Friday 30 November 2012

Hi Everyone, we've actually done it.  We packed the house, loaded the Caravan, and set off on the 29th November.  Alot of teary goodbyes were had, very humbling to think that we have so many special people in our lives.

Our first stop was at Chinderah, a free camp just south of the Tweed Coast, NSW,  which had wild roosters that cock-a-doodle-dood all night.  Troy nearly lost his finger loading the bikes on the roofracks, his foot slipped on the tyre and his wedding ring caught and cut and bruised his finger, but his tough, the first aid kit got its first use.

We then cruised the Nsw coast and swam at Kingscliff, and walked to the headland.  Very pretty and scenic.  Alot of cockroaches though, (lucky we are QUEENSLANDERS, just like the origin team we crush em).  After realizing I left the keys in the Caravan door after our swim, Troy pulled up and I jumped out and got them.  We had stopped opposite a Big 4 at Hastings Point with a water park in it and it was decided to book in for two nights.

Everyone is having a wonderful time, swimming, walking the beaches and relaxing.  We are off for a bigger drive tomorrow, heading to the Yamba Big 4.

 Heading down to the beach this afternoon to do a spot of fishing to try and catch some Tailor for brekky. 

The girls will be taking over the Blog after christmas, but would like to take this opportuninty to thank everyone who supported us and was so positive and genuinely happy for us.  You all know who you are, and it means alot to us.

Until next time
                                           The view from the Headland at Kingscliff
                                            Scotts Island Reserve, free camp the first night        
Robyn :0)                                 Parked at Kingscliff

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