Monday 9 June 2014

Well......after all the emotions of crossing the border back into Queensland, our spirits were quickly lifted.  We were planning a major surprise.  Troy's parents, Ann and Barry were celebrating their 50th wedding Anniversary and the whole family were camping for a week at Seventeen Seventy.  Everyone knew we couldn't make it, everyone except his sister Michelle, who helped us plan the surprise.  With this in mind, we only had a couple of weeks to drive a hell of a lot of km's!

Speaking of lifting spirits, nothing does that more than a bit of a pub crawl, and we were soon to discover some famous Pubs almost immediately after the border.  Now those that know me know that I'm a country music girl.  Camooweal is a little border town that the one and only Slim Dusty wrote a song about.  How could we NOT stop and have a brew!!!!
                                              Cheers Poppy....Should ever I go back to Camooweal???
                                                                 Not unless we are lost!!!!!

A beer down and a look around and it was time to move on to the next one, and the next one was a beauty. Crocodile Dundee is a family favourite of ours, so The Walkabout Creek Hotel was an absolute must. It was so great to see it in 'real life' and we all enjoyed it so much.

After a great time, we were back in the cruiser and in search of a place to camp for the night.  After following a grey nomad doing 70km, with big road trains even getting annoyed, the next destination couldn't have come sooner. It would just so happen, that we stumble onto the Blue Heeler Hotel, which is in fact famous for it's massive steaks and cold beer.  It didn't disappoint.  After camp was set up, we met some fellow travellers and quickly became settled in.  While chatting about our experiences, the kids kept themselves entertained by trying to make all the road trains honk their horns.  We even met the man who tried to sell road kill to the famous pub!!!!!

                                                            Blue Heeler Hotel
                                             Max setting up camp putting the bars down
                                                  Kids waiting for the Road Trains

We were on a mission, so we left quite early in the morning.  We were looking for a special place to spend Father's Day,  my second most favourite day of the year.  Winton is where we landed, where we found the Waltzing Matilda Museum.  It was a day spent laughing, mainly because of Kaicey.  I won't embarrass her by going into detail, was also a very educational day!!! Phew, says Kaicey!!!
                                                             No explanation needed!!!!!

                                             Just after one of the "Kaicey moments"

How on earth could we go around Australia and not see the Stockman's Hall of Fame!!  It was unfortunate that the horses were sick and we couldn't see the show, but it was still something I am really glad we did.  Longreach is not only famous for the Stockman's Hall of Fame, it is also the birth place of Qantas.  Who knows what Qantas stands for, I didn't until we went there to be honest.  Queensland And Northern Territory Aerial Services.  Every days a school day, even for mum and dad!!!

                                                          Long lost relative maybe????

                                                      Elley with a sculpture of a stock horse

                                                                         Qantas plane

With our secret mission in mind, it was time for us to make tracks.  We had covered some ground, but still had a lot to go.  Central Queensland is so dry, and it really hits home just how important our farmers are to our lively hood, and the struggles they face to deliver quality to our state.  Seeing drought stricken cattle on the roads to perish, was very confronting and a well learned lesson. While passing through Balcaldine, we spot the Tree of Knowledge which was erected at the sight of the Shearers Strike and the birth place of the Labour Party.

                                                                Tree of Knowledge

Anticipation got the better of us and we really seemed to speed things up.  Day after day all we seen was dry barren land, which is what you would expect in a drought, but after spending so much time in central Australia, we were craving the colours of blue and green, like the blue of the vast ocean and the green of the tropical north so embedded in our hearts.  With a revive stop at Emerald, we re-fuelled the cruiser and ourselves.
Emerald Stop Over

We were in need of a camp for the night, so the camps book came out.  Yeppoon was on the agenda.  It was time for us to relax.  We done some fishing, we done some drinking and we done, well....nothing else.


                                                              Our awesome kiddies
Boys will be boys hey!!!

I was so excited I was seriously about to bust.  I was going to see my bro.  Camping on the Calliope River was honestly one of the most spectacular camps we had the whole trip around Australia.  It was also the only place we got bogged going around Australia.  Having Brian and Jake there with us was nothing short of amazing, catching fish (well me mainly), drinking beer, Brian dancing on the fire and Troy and Max collecting fire wood from the other side of the river in the inflatable boat was just priceless.
                                                               Just fishin'

                                                                    Unco and Sam
                                                       Our little fishing man Max
                                                          Seriously, look at this camp
                                                         The boys and their wood!!!
                                           Wonder where Max gets his fishing skills from!!! hehe

The time had come, we were finally on our way to surprise Ann and Barry!  To say that we were all excited would be a major understatement...  I don't think the six of us will ever forget the feeling of pulling up with the caravan and getting out and seeing Ann and Barry's faces.  Don't get me wrong, the effort the whole family made to be there was admirable.  The fact that everyone thought we were still in Central Australia, and for us to turn up, was unbelievable.  It was such a special time in our lives, relationships were cemented and memories were created that will last a lifetime. 

We had the best week at seventeen seventy.  The kids had a ball paddle boarding with cousin Mark and Aunty Danielle.  Max had the privilege of going fishing with Daddy and Uncle Paul.  Max thought Uncle Paul's boat was the best and couldn't wait until he went again.  Troy and I also had the honor of going to the local pub for a beer.....kid free!!!!!  Would have been even better if the delivery truck didn't park directly in our view of the water, but hey, we take what we can get!!!  Beer's were cold and Troy and I got to chat without the disruption of four cutie pies wanting our attention! We loved that Uncle Barry sang "The Biggest Disappointment in the Family was Me", we loved that Josh and Mark thought it would be cool to try and coax a possum into Greg and Michelle's camper ( I must admit, I did teach them how to talk possum)  and while I'm being honest, there was no Shark Ann and Rebecca, I thought it would add to the bonding experience of having to get back to shore without the Kayak!!!

 This is a place I would visit again.

                                                                    Mark and Max
                                      I LOVE this photo, thank you Uncle Paul and Daddy
                                                            Cousin Lisa and Sammi Sams
                                                          The beautiful Aunty Michelle
                                            The kids loved their special time with Aunty Danielle
                                                          The reason we are even here....
                                                             Hair Day, family shenanigans

Family = Special friendships

The week had ended and it was time to continue our travels.  We had longed to be on our block at Bloomfield and we were heading north again on a road well travelled to us.  In convoy with Ann and Barry, we decide to camp the night at Carmilla Beach.

                                                                   Carmilla  Beach

 Our next stop with the olds was a little camp just north of Townsville.  A little place Ann and Barry used to camp with their young-ins in the  60's.  Thirty years have passed and still no friggin hot water!!!  (put a man on the moon though)!!!  It was time for Ann and Barry to move on ahead of us and prepare for our arrival at Bloomfield. 
Truth be known, Troy and I were looking for a place to call home when we finished our travels.  The birth place of Slim Dusty's Hit, The Pub With No Beer, which was written by Gordon Parsons at Ingham, was not the place.  So off in search we went.
No words needed 

 Travelling north through Cardwell was a pleasant surprise.  After cyclone Yasi, the town has recovered nicely.  We even had the pleasure of meeting the town local nut job, an experience within itself.  If there was work there, we would live there...simple!

Tully was our next stop. We loved it, and very well thought this could the destination of our new home.  The tropical surrounds were breathtaking and we were even imagining our future life here.  We even drove down BRYANT STREET, is this a sign or what!! Literally it was a sign, but a street sign.  Does one plan there future on a street sign???  Lets keep looking maybe?

                                                             The Big Gumboot at Tully

Speaking of potential places to live, the Tablelands are one the most amazing places I have ever seen.  I adore them.  Who wouldn't??  Saying that, there just isn't enough work for us, so we must move on.

                                                              The Tablelands

We were Bloomfield bound.  There is one place that you must stop on the way.  That place is Lion's Dens Hotel.  The oldest licensed pub in Queensland and it is totally awesome.  

There was no greater feeling than pulling into our block, after travelling the country it is still one of the natural beauties on earth, and it's ours.  Camping and fishing and walking on the most unspoiled beaches was really what we all needed.  We had a wonderful time, helping Barry tend to the farm, checking the ducks and feeding the pigs and also trying to catch the 'supposedly fish in the dam'!!!  Nanny and Poppy were on their way and we couldn't be more excited.  It had been a long time since we had seen them and we were all anticipating their arrival. 
Bloomfield was amazing, we swam (nude, well Troy and the kids did) in Gap Creek, we had sausage sizzles at Plantation Creek, we fished off the Wharf, we left the kids with both Grandparents while Troy and I packed the tinny with the basics and headed up the coast to Cedar Bay, which I must say was the most amazing time, Troy crawling up coconut trees so we had something to drink, walking along the 3km beach to find all the wild pig tracks and to most importantly, being able to talk to each other, without interruptions, for the first time in 12 months was really special.  We had an awesome time.  Bloomfield is a very special place, in the heart of Troy, the Kids and also myself.

                                                                  Fishing at Plantation Creek
Gap Creek
                                                                          Skinny Dipping
                                                               Our night away at Cedar Bay

                                          Reaping the rewards from Troy's tree climbing abilities

My love and I

After such an amazing night away, Troy and I thought we should show Nanny and Poppy a thing or two about Bloomfield.  We took them to the Bloomfield falls, the Black Mountains and to Grassy Hill.  We had fish and chips at the Wharf, we all celebrated Elley's birthday together.    Such a special time in our lives, having both parents together with us and our four beautiful babies.
                                                                            Black Mountains
                                                                                      Grassy Hill

Our time was up in Bloomfield and it was time for  us to head on and find our future home after our travels.  With Mum and Dad following behind, we stop at Mossman Gorge to admire the beauty of nature.
                                                         Mossman Gorge with Mum and Dad

Crystal Cascades was our next stop, the water was so clear and refreshing..  An amazing place to visit. After 3 wonderful weeks it was time for Mum and Dad to head home.  After an emotional goodbye, we decided the Sky Rail was a great distraction.  It was amazing, Troy was his hilarious self and after a fun filled day on the rail and in the markets at Karanda, we had an unexpected amazing family photo, all thanks to Troy and his politeness.  If it wasn't for him thinking someone was waving at him and not actually telling him to wait, the following pic would have never been this great.
                                                                      Crystal Cascades

                                                              Seriously, look at his face!!!

Troy and I done some serious planning and realized, Cairns is where we would love to call home.  It is such a beautiful place, and so close to Bloomfield which is so close to our hearts.  We very quickly find a place to rent, leave the caravan and head on the journey 'home'.  The very place we left, the place all our dreams started, the place where we decided to stop talking and start doing.  The place where the next chapter started....
The place our journey officially  ended...
                                                  We are 'home' as long as we are together

Well, we did it.  We have travelled around this amazing Country.  Just shy of 14months on the road and 42,000km on the clock.  I am so proud of us all.  The six of us have just done what many achieve to and aspire to  do in their lifetime.   If anything, it has made us all closer, something I would have never thought possible.  There is no one in this world I could imagine being with me on this journey apart from Troy.  YOU are my world and I love you dearly.  Thank you for the most amazing memories.

I would like to thank all the lovely people we met around Australia.  I would also like to thank Toyota for letting our 1998 Cruiser Wagon tow our big arse van, hassle free all the way around
Australia.  Thank you to my beautiful wife, you are the reason we've done it!  From my findings, Australia is girt by sea!!! (From Troy)

Thank you to everyone who believed that we would complete our travels.  A special thanks to Danielle and Mick, who housed us and our caravan for the few weeks before we left, and we felt it only fitting to finish our trip in their driveway, the same we left from.

Thank you to everyone who read our blogs, it meant the world to us, and our special friends and family who made our homecoming so special.  Thank you to Linda and Paul (Peachy) for having us come and go and making us feel such at home on our return.

Whether you have 6weeks, 6months or 6years, everyone has their own journey, please do it!!!!!!!!

                                                 Our Travels Around Australia ( Girt by sea) haha

Until the next Adventure
Love ya's all
The Travelling Bryant's